New Medicines Review

In October 2013, the Scottish Government published its response to the Health and Sport Committee inquiry.

This states that the Health and Sport Committee recognised that existing cost-effectiveness thresholds are not always appropriate for end of life medicines or for medicines to treat very rare diseases. The Cabinet Secretary directed SMC to apply more flexible approaches in the evaluation of these medicines, as a first step in a wider process to determine Scotland’s requirement to a value-based approach for the health technology assessment of new medicines.

SMC set up a Task and Finish Group to undertake this rapid review. Click here to view the remit and membership of the group.

The Health & Sport Committee has published the Scottish Medicines Consortium report  to the Scottish Government on the assessment of medicines for end of life care and rare conditions. A letter from Cabinet Secretary for Health & Wellbeing, Alex Neil and a press release is also available.

Please see SMC Submission to the Health and Sport Committee.

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