Attend a meeting

Join our public observer gallery

SMC committee meetings will be held virtually via Zoom for the time being.  To register to attend the committee meeting on 1st of October 2024, please follow the link below: 

Meeting Registration - Zoom

Please be aware that registering does not guarantee a place at the meeting. There are limitations on capacity, therefore priority will be given to patient groups and pharmacy representatives who are involved in a submission being heard at the meeting.

Confirmation emails will be sent the day prior to the meeting with joining instructions which should be retained.

Privacy Statement
We use Zoom to host our SMC committee meetings. When you register/join a zoom web meeting, your name, email and IP address will be processed. We ask for this data to help facilitate the meeting and monitor attendance. If the SMC committee meeting you attend offers an interactive poll or Q&A session, participation is not mandatory, however your name may be processed with your poll responses or questions. We store this information in Zoom for 6 months. Further information about how we manage personal data at SMC can be found on our privacy notice.