
Both SMC and NDC meet monthly. Timelines for SMC meetings can be viewed in the document below. Minutes of SMC Committee meetings are published monthly on our website.

Timelines for SMC Meetings

View minutes of SMC Committee meetings


Meetings will be considered quorate with a membership of one third of members. This does not include attendees or observers. If a meeting is not quorate, the Chairman will make a decision whether to continue the meeting with those members present and the standard process for review will be adhered to.


Decisions at SMC meetings are made via a majority vote and only full members have voting rights. Those members are clinicians, NHS managers, public partners and ABPI members. The SMC secretariat and staff, observers, NDC members attending as a lead assessor or consultants to SMC are not eligible to vote. Members who declare a personal specific interest must leave the table for the duration of the discussion and are not eligible to vote. Members who declare a personal non-specific interest must take no part in discussions for that agenda item, except at the Chairman’s discretion to answer questions from other members, and will not be permitted to vote.

Declarations of interest

Members are required to make a full declaration of interest on appointment and annually thereafter, in accordance with SMC code of practice on declarations of interest. Members are also required to declare relevant interests at meetings, regardless of whether those interests have previously been declared to SMC. 

Declarations of interest for SMC are aligned with Healthcare Improvement Scotland Evidence Directorate policies.

Click the link to view the definitions and policies.