Understanding how new medicines impact the quality of life of patients and carers is an important part of the SMC decision making process.

We work in partnership with patient groups from around the country to capture the experiences of patients, their families and carers via our patient group submission process. Our Guide for patient group partners explains what type of information you need to capture the views and experiences of the patients and carers you represent. 

Support to make your submission

The Public Involvement team are able to guide you through the submission process and are available by email or to speak to on the phone. If it would be of help to you, they can also meet with you to support you.

To provide a patient group submission for a medicine you complete a patient group submission form. If you have any problem accessing the electronic version of the form we can either email it to you or send you a paper version in the post. Please remember you will need to fill in a patient group registration form before you make a submission. 

You will usually have between six and eight weeks from when the appraisal is announced to complete and return your submission. The Public Involvement team will advise you on exact timelines for each submission.

The information you collect and submit will be used by the assessment team, along with other information, to prepare its reports and by the appraisal committee to develop its recommendations.

All documents relating to patient group submissions can be viewed and downloaded from this page.

You can find out more about patient group submissions by watching our short film detailing a patient group's experience of the process. 

Preparing a submission for SMC - the patient group experience

Watch one of our patient group partners describe their experience of making a submission.

  • Patient group submission example (ADHD) 261kb (PDF)


Submission Forms

  • SMC Patient Group Submission Form 217kb (DOCX)

  • SMC Patient Group Partner Registration Form 205kb (DOCX)
