NICE draft recommendations published on the use of treatments for COVID-19
Draft recommendations published on the use of treatments for COVID-19
Draft recommendations have been published by NICE for medicines to treat COVID-19 in adults. The recommendations follow a review by NICE into the clinical and cost-effectiveness of several treatments currently being used in the NHS for COVID-19. NICE and the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC, as part of Healthcare Improvement Scotland) have agreed to maintain the collaboration that started through the Research to Access Pathway for Investigational Drugs for COVID-19 (RAPID C-19) by collaborating on this NICE Multiple Technology Appraisal (MTA).
SMC has inputted directly into the decision-making committee that produced the draft NICE recommendations. The final published advice will have the same status for health board consideration as other SMC advice on new medicines.
The recommendations are draft and could change following public consultation. Until NICE publishes its final guidance, access to COVID-19 medicines will continue to be guided by the published UK-wide clinical access policies agreed by the UK Chief Medical Officers.
NICE and the SMC will continue to work together on any updates to this MTA guidance after publication. The organisations are also exploring collaboration on future health technology appraisals of therapies for COVID-19.
Anyone with an interest in this topic is encouraged to send their comments on the draft recommendations. Visit the NICE website to access the draft recommendations and to comment: Project documents | Therapeutics for people with COVID-19 [ID4038] | Guidance | NICE