Public Partner Advert

Healthcare Improvement Scotland is recruiting a volunteer to the role of Public Partner with the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC).

Our Public Partners ensure the voices of the public inform and infuence decision-making in the appraisal of new medicines in NHSScotland.

Key skills needed for the SMC role include:

  • A sound judgement and ability to weigh up evidence in order to reach an objective and impartial conclusion
  • The ability to express ideas concisely and ask challenging questions, and
  • The ability to share your views clearly and sensitively from a public perspective.

As a full voting member of the SMC Committee you will be required to attend each of the monthly SMC Committee meetings which take place over an afternoon on the first Tuesday of every month.
Significant preparation time is also required for reading SMC meeting papers.

You will also be expected to attend a small number of other key meetings throughout the year.

You must live in Scotland to be a Public Partner. While the role of Public Partner is voluntary, expenses will be paid and training will be provided.

You can find out more about the Public Partner role on the SMC website.

For further information and to apply for the role, please visit the Volunteer Scotland Website.

Closing date: 28 July 2023

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